Sunday 21 July 2013

Almost there...

Almost got all of the footage now, and only one more shoot to go (When I can get all the people I need in one place!). After a while of shooting, and listening to the dialogue, I often decide to change the script on set, which surprised me a little, as I had already done a read through with the actors, which sounded fine. Likewise there also some things that we are adding entirely, like small bits of dialogue and shots. However I am very pleased to see that after couple of days shooting, Stanley and his mother Helen, have both improved greatly in their acting since day one. But I'm not surprised that my writing needed adjustments in places, as it is my weakest area. 

I've now started my first rough edit, with no effects or colour grading, and so far it's definitely coming together well, reaching about 5 minutes 50. And again adding in some new shots or putting them in a different order.

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